Specialist Programs


At Altona North Primary we have a strong tradition and pride in the performing arts. This results in developing confidence in public speaking, and a sense of teamwork and cooperation amongst our students. In grades 5/6 the children workshop and develop storylines for their performance in Wakakirri.
We have an accomplished choir that performs in many venues and links us with the community.
Our school takes part and performs in many community events including the Bayside Festival and The Festival of Performing Arts.

The end of the year sees a grand celebration concert involving all students.



Altona North Primary has a well resourced computer laboratory with comprehensive programs provided by a specialist teacher across all grade levels. All classrooms have computers which allow children to work on individual computer programs reinforcing skills, gathering information or as an aide for presentation of their work. Children also have access to a wide variety of audio visual technology including digital cameras and digicams.



PE is taught through the school and includes ball handling skills, athletics, motor co-ordination etc. We run an intensive swimming/water safety program for all grade levels in Term 4.

The senior children participate in inter-school sports and are members of the Williamstown/Altona District School Sports Association. A variety of clinics are conducted throughout the year offering training in cricket, rugby, soccer, basketball, football and many other sports.

It is recommended that children come suitably dressed for the activity being undertaken. (Our school uniform caters for this). Footwear is an important consideration.



We have a specialist visual arts teacher who provides programs which enable children to have experience in a variety of mediums and materials. The children view the art work of a variety of artists and use this as part of their inspiration to create their own art work. The art craft room is well resourced and has its own kiln. The children's artwork is proudly displayed throughout the school and at community venues during special occassions.



The library sessions include the development of library skills as well as an appreciation for literature. The borrowing, reading and caring of books needs to be supported by families so that children can appreciate the value of books. Parents are always welcome to contact the librarian with offers of assistance to process new books.


Our LOTE language is AUSLAN. We have a specialist teacher who is highly skilled and qualified in AUSLAN. Our AUSLAN teacher works with our students across the school, Grade Prep to Six, as well as working outside with all students during morning tea and lunch times. Our students gain important social skills from this interaction, which helps them develop in the areas of understanding, acceptance, engagement and confidence.